Feb 25, 2013

Qiime install disk

Goal: make a quick way to install Qiime.

Methods: the following files were burned to a single DVD.
  • Qiime 1.6.0 .vdi.gz (zipped Qiime image for the VM)
  • VirtualBox (VM software for both Mac OSX and Windows)
  • 7-zip (archiving/compression software for Windows)
  • A README.txt describing the files.
The included README files is as follows:

The two VirtualBox files are installers for a Virtual Machine (VM) that will allow us to easily run Qiime. There is an installer for Windows and another for Mac OSX. (Using Linux? Talk to me.)

QIIME-1.6.0-amd64.vdi.gz is a compressed archive we will run using the VM. It contains all of the Qiime software libraries installed on the operating system Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. We will need to extract this archive and save to our computer before it can be used. It will take up to 30 GB of hard drive space when fully extracted.

7z920-x64.msi is a Windows installer for 7-zip. This program will allow us to extract the very large archive mentioned above. (It will also let us compress and extract other archives, which can save a lot of space.)

This was quickly created by Colin Brislawn on 2/24/2013 for the Lamendella Lab at Juniata College.

Result: DVD was used by the class to install the Qiime VM. Perhaps a compression method that has faster decompression (LZMA2? LZO?) could be used next time. Addition copies of the DVD would also make the process much faster.

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