Sep 6, 2013

Informatic tools in our lab

Remote Machines

On your computer, search for and then launch Remote Desktop.
Enter the server name or IP address. Some of our servers and their IPs are listed below
  • Basement lab PC:
  • VLCS 1062 PC: 
  • GCAT-SEEK server: gcatseek
After logging, check if the server is being used. (Open Task Manager and check CPU and RAM.) Your data and VM must already be on the machine or your hard drive must be attached.

Your Virtual Machine running QIIME

Get one of the installation DVDs from Dr. L and follow the instructions in the readme file. You can also follow the official documentation.
Before starting the VM, check the resource load on the system and adjust your settings accordingly. You are now technically ready to use Qiime, but I recommend these additional adjustments.

The HHMI Cluster

Send an email to Dr. Lamendella or Colin Brislawn. Or speak with us in lab.
If you already have access, you can use ssh to connect. The IP address is

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